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Homegrown Lifestyle Network

Are you eager to connect to the land? Grow your own food in a way that sustains the natural environment? Create a more sustainable way of life? If yes, the Homegrown Lifestyle Network is for you!

Creating Low-Maintenance Foodscapes

Backyard Abundance Directory, Fred Meyer, led the group in an activity where we designed a bio-diverse landscape thinking about the plant needs and placing them together so they will benefit one another.
Backyard Abundance Directory, Fred Meyer, led the group in an activity where we designed a bio-diverse landscape thinking about the plant needs and placing them together so they will benefit one another.

Backyard Abundance Directory, Fred Meyer, led the group in an activity where we designed a bio-diverse landscape thinking about the plant needs and placing them together so they will benefit one another.

On the benefits of permaculture: "... if we buy the first round of drinks, nature will pick up the tab for dinner and a show." -Toby Hemenway
On the benefits of permaculture: "... if we buy the first round of drinks, nature will pick up the tab for dinner and a show." -Toby Hemenway

On the benefits of permaculture: "... if we buy the first round of drinks, nature will pick up the tab for dinner and a show." -Toby Hemenway

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