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Homegrown Lifestyle Network

Are you eager to connect to the land? Grow your own food in a way that sustains the natural environment? Create a more sustainable way of life? If yes, the Homegrown Lifestyle Network is for you!

05/29/2014 From Overblog

Emergence of Periodical Cicadas in Iowa

On Thursday, May 29th, the ISU Extension Entomology Department received a call from the Burlington area that the...

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05/21/2014 From Overblog

Become a Backyard Forest Steward!

Trees Forever and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources will hold a two day Stewards program for owners of small...

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05/14/2014 From Overblog

Seasonal Garden Chore Calendar

While caring for the yard and garden, it can be challenging to remember which garden chores should take place during...

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05/07/2014 From Overblog

Tips for Tree Planting

As you visit garden centers to purchase yard and garden supplies, you may have spotted a new tree you'd like to...

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