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Homegrown Lifestyle Network

Are you eager to connect to the land? Grow your own food in a way that sustains the natural environment? Create a more sustainable way of life? If yes, the Homegrown Lifestyle Network is for you!

05/28/2013 From Overblog

Plants to create a bird habitat using containers

Love having birds in your yard? Do you have less space than you would like to garden? Becki Lynch, Linn County...

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05/24/2013 From Overblog


Jean Wiedenheft from Indian Creek Nature Center in Cedar Rapids shared information about bees, brought samples...

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05/21/2013 From Overblog

What could you find to eat in your backyard?

Indian Creek Nature Center staff members Jan Aiels & Christine Kirpes gave an intriguing presentation on wild edible...

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05/17/2013 From Overblog

Creating Low-Maintenance Foodscapes

Backyard Abundance Directory, Fred Meyer, led the group in an activity where we designed a bio-diverse landscape...

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05/14/2013 From Overblog

From the ground up: It's a wonderful time of the year

What a wonderful time of year. New flowers are blooming every day. Iowa's fertile soil is showing off for us this...

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05/13/2013 From Overblog

Plant a Row for the Hungry

During the first year of the program, gardeners in the area donated over 6650 pounds of produce to 16 service sites....

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05/10/2013 From Overblog

Get Composting: Over half of what enters a landfill is compostable!

Scott Koepke explained composting and soil science. Soil needs to be healthy, unpolluted, and biologically robust...

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05/08/2013 From Overblog

What to look for when buying seedlings

Plant sales have begun. Garden centers are stocked full of new young plants. Some vegetables are planted in the...

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05/06/2013 From Overblog

Raising Goats

Thanks to June Crow Schrader and her family for teaching us about goats, sharing their stories, and bringing some...

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05/01/2013 From Overblog

Raised Bed Gardening Workshop, May 11

Raised Bed Gardening Workshop, May 11 Does a bad back keep you from gardening as much as you would like? Are you...

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