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Homegrown Lifestyle Network

Are you eager to connect to the land? Grow your own food in a way that sustains the natural environment? Create a more sustainable way of life? If yes, the Homegrown Lifestyle Network is for you!

08/30/2012 From Overblog

Dealing with Drought

Check here for resources, information, tips, and support for dealing with the 2012 drought. These frequently asked...

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08/29/2012 From Twitter

Leader Training September in Waterloo, IA designed...

Leader Training September in Waterloo, IA designed to empower caregivers http://t.co/zeJhHraP ISUExtension Linn...

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08/21/2012 From Twitter

Tomato Tasting with Linn County Master Gardeners...

Tomato Tasting with Linn County Master Gardeners Sunday August 26 at 2pm at Lowe Park Greenhouse in Marion! http://t.co/oCiMDZb4...

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08/07/2012 From Overblog

Demonstration Garden Tour

Homegrown Lifestyle Network members tour the Linn County Master Gardener Demonstration Gardens at Lowe Park. The...

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