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Homegrown Lifestyle Network

Are you eager to connect to the land? Grow your own food in a way that sustains the natural environment? Create a more sustainable way of life? If yes, the Homegrown Lifestyle Network is for you!

Weed Management and Identification

Weed Management and Identification

It seems to be a constant battle; as our yards and gardens sprout in the spring, so do their noxious counterparts. Over the course of the growing season, weeds compete with our gardens for nutrients, moisture and sunlight and may become host to diseases and pests. If left uncontrolled, weed growth can significantly impact the quality and yield of the garden.

To provide options for weed control, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach has developed a publication titled, "Weed Management in the Home Garden". There are also many resources available for weed identification so gardeners can determine appropriate solutions and methods of control. ISU Extension and Outreach has compiled a list of recommended weed identification books, at http://www.weeds.iastate.edu/mgmt/qtr97-1/weedid.htm. OR if you'd like to have a weed identification resource right at your fingertips, you can download the University of Missouri Extension's Weed Identification App for iPads, iPhones or Android Devices called "ID Weeds". For additional information about this app, visit http://extension.missouri.edu/news/DisplayStory.aspx?N=1649.

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